For my mid-life crisis I decided that I needed something or actually someone new. . .So on my 44th birthday I found the man I want to live the rest of my life with. . .He is tall, very good looking (even though he is an older man), graying in a Sean Connery sort of way. When he smiles the room gets brighter and it just makes you want to smile. . .I am so thankful I found him down on the boardwalk. . .Seems I lost track of the reasons I married him and have fought to stay with him all these years until last night! Last night I fell in love with my husband all over again!
A word of caution to those of you married for awhile or short time. . .don't take for granted the person you wake up to every morning! Learn to find something new about them and keep your view of them fresh. Take the time to walk on the boardwalk at night and rediscover the friendship that will keep you together. . .communication is very underrated in relationships these days.
I love you, Jeff!