May 13, 2008

How Can We Not Praise HIM??

There are so many things that happen everyday that without the Hand of God we would not make it through.

God I praise YOU!
WHO You are
Your love for me is neverending
Your grace abounds each day
You gave me a wonderful family
An adorable husband that loves me
3 wonderful grandchildren
4 amazing kids
safe travel for Jeff to Tahoe - He finally made it!
safe travel for me here to Florida!
a job for me that will help Jeff have time to get Primal Faith going
friends that are so special and have added so much to our lives
Giving me time to spend with my kids & grandbabies!
Gorgeous Florida Weather! You appreciate it when you leave it!
For Jeff's flat tire happening while he was NOT on the bike!
Helping me make it through another project and night shift

and a million other reasons. . .Thank YOU!