Dec 14, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!

Can you believe 2008 is almost gone? Where did the time slip away to? We have had a full year and blessings in our family beyond belief!
We added a grandson to our family in 2008 and will welcome another precious baby in 2009! I am so thankful for my kids, their spouses & my grandchildren. . .Our family continues to enjoy time together when we can. . .watching them work through issues and what life throws at them, makes me even more proud of who they have come to be. I love each of you more than you will ever know!
Cheri, words cannot express how much our friendship means to me! Being able to spend time with you this past year has been so awesome! I love you and your sweet family! Look forward to more time in the coming year!
The friends we have made along the way in our journey continue to enrich our lives! (thank God for Facebook!) We have been able to reconnect with many of you through FB, how wonderful! Never pass up a chance to make friends even if it is for a short time, connecting with people is so important in this day and time.
Know that we love you all and look forward to the coming year and whatever God may bring our way, we will be thankful and give Him all the praise!
Merry Christmas to all of you! And may you not let the business of shopping, wrapping, cooking and running from here to there overwhlem you or keep you from focusing on what really matters! Slow down and enjoy the days and people around you.

Nov 16, 2008

Love is pouring from Your heart. . .

Funny how you can be tooling along thinking you are heading your own way or just exisiting, not doing much and then a simple breakfast or need to have a talk with someone can turn into such a God moment. Have had that happen several times in the past couple weeks. I believe God is showing me that He is in control and prooving to me that the saying "You can do nothing to make God love you less OR to make God love you more!" is very evident in my life right now. We can get so caught up in feeling the need to "do" so God will be pleased, that we forget He is the same always. His love never changes.

Love is pouring from Your heart
Hope is in Your hands
Life is in your arms. . .Spirit FALL. . .

Sep 28, 2008

What to do? What to do?

Been struggling to find my place of late, at our new place of worship & ministry. Even though it is temporary we know getting connected its vital to our way of life. Have had many conversations with my hubby about just where I feel I am gifted to serve.

Have always struggled because everyone always thinks a minister's wife should be teaching or something like that. . .I like the interaction of teaching, but studying is not my fav thing to do - to be honest I DON'T like it! I am sure you are totally shocked. ;o) I love feeding people in a literal sense. but I feel there should be another aspect to what I am doing for God.

So, every week, I just follow Jeff around and wonder what it might be that I would enjoy doing. He really loves speaking and teaching, it is something he thrives on, enjoys and really feels fulfilled. Through this area we are serving in Saturate weekend connect God began to answer my question. . .

Met a new friend, Amanda, through Saturate and we hit it off immediately, she is in the same boat, only 20 years younger than I. So, we talked, connected and I really enjoy hanging out and talking with her. Looking forward to more conversations. She is a really awesome young lady.

Met another young woman, Rachel, last night, it was instant connection, I was able to talk to her from the other side of a situation she is facing and shed some perspective. Seemed as though we talked for an hour when it was actually only a few minutes. Encouraged her and shed some of the ideas she had about Life Groups. Looking forward to getting to know her more.

Funny how God does that. Lets you form an instant bond with someone and not totally understand why.

Then it hit me. . .That is my ministry. . .one on one. . .sharing life with other women. . . one on one. . . connecting with someone . . .share life . . .and God's wisdom together. But isn't that what it is all about anyway? Connecting. . .doing life together. . .being there for each other. . .enjoying time spent together.

I came away after an amazing Baptism service . . .they bring a swimming pool into the auditorium and those coming for baptism get to share their story with everyone as they are being baptized! Key people in their lives can come into the pool with them and share this special moment at LCBC "Lives Changed By Christ" - cried my eyes out at the sweet stories and special ways God has drawn each of these precious people to Himself! AWESOME!

So, with a lighter spirit and more thoughts on giving it away instead of just existing. We drove away from church last night in the middle of the rain that has set in and enjoyed the ride and thoughts running through my head and heart. Looking forward to what is to come. . .

Sep 4, 2008

It just get's better!

I never dreamed that after 27 years of marriage, things would be better and getting better each day. My wonderful husband has become even more precious to me!

We have made this crazy move for my job this time and our roles have become weird. But, we have made it a habit to walk together each day and during these walks our talks are of God and what He is doing. . .our dreams and what we could see possibly happening. . .Our sweet children and how they are doing - seems we tag team on the phone with them at times . . .the desires of sharing life with them and our grandchildren as much as possible. . .we prayer walk past the local college as we have felt from the beginning that we would have a spiritual stake in it somehow. . .deal with a few issues that have come along that are a bit uncomfortable. . .but through it all we join together and stand firm together.

I think that is the key to a good marriage. . .standing firm together in the Lord, but being individual enough to express concerns and issues with love and compassion. . .dream and share the others dreams. Somehow see God work it all out and mesh these two separate lives into one. Things have not always been easy, but even the issues have been worth sticking out and weathering. . .just to wake up another morning to see his sweet face sleeping in the bed beside me. . .to look forward to each morning as he reads the Word over us and as we hold hands and pray. That is so special to me.

As much as he talks about my smile. . .he has this smile that is only for me and I just love to see it, watch it form. And to see him laugh in one of our sparring, sarcastic go-rounds. He has helped me develop a sense of humor and I am so thankful for that. Laughter has kept this home on a level ground.

Jeff, You ARE so precious to me! I love you!

Jul 13, 2008

Visitin the grandkids. . .

Just concluded a week long visit with our oldest grandson Jackson! What a wonderful time we had! He rode on the plane back up here with me and the joy on his face watching us go "up on top of the clouds" was awesome! Then we rode 2 trains to get to our house. He thought that was alot of fun. We hit all of the train places here in PA for the next few days. Being on the Grandma side of life is the best thing I could have ever hoped for. The innocence of a child is a wonder to watch. He would say "There is my friend, PopPop!" So cute!

Sure is quiet here now. . . that is why I am picture happy. . . that helps make the distance not seem so far.

Ava & Nannie

Porter - what a QT!

May 13, 2008

How Can We Not Praise HIM??

There are so many things that happen everyday that without the Hand of God we would not make it through.

God I praise YOU!
WHO You are
Your love for me is neverending
Your grace abounds each day
You gave me a wonderful family
An adorable husband that loves me
3 wonderful grandchildren
4 amazing kids
safe travel for Jeff to Tahoe - He finally made it!
safe travel for me here to Florida!
a job for me that will help Jeff have time to get Primal Faith going
friends that are so special and have added so much to our lives
Giving me time to spend with my kids & grandbabies!
Gorgeous Florida Weather! You appreciate it when you leave it!
For Jeff's flat tire happening while he was NOT on the bike!
Helping me make it through another project and night shift

and a million other reasons. . .Thank YOU!

Apr 28, 2008


He has arrived!! Our 3rd grandchild! What a blessing! He was greeted by Mommy & Daddy. . .big brother Jackson, Popop, Grandaddy & MiMi. . .what a precious bundle of joy God has given our family!
I am so proud of the father my son has become. He is so good with Jackson and I know he will be just as good with Porter. Tara is amazing to watch with Jackson, always teaching and guiding and loving. She is a natural Mother. Porter has been blessed with wonderful parents.
I love you Porter!!! See all of you soon!

Apr 24, 2008

I miss you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o(

Happy Birthday Linsey. . .

Happy almost Birthday Porter. . .

and then Jeff

then Keith

then Ava

then Jackson

Lots of Birthdays coming up!!! I love all of you! Wish I was there. . .

Apr 14, 2008

Great visit and then I crashed. . .

Well, he has come and gone! What a great time we had. Just enjoying each others company in a new town. He loves history so what a better place to be than Philly. . .enjoyed our walks down 9th street market and all over the Historic area. . .what a great place. . .went to Philly's version of the "Soup Nazi" (from Seinfeld) Pat's Steaks. . . it was great. . . then joined new friends here for dinner at a great Authentic Italian Restaurant. . .then off to Italian Chocolate Shop for dessert near South Street. YUM!

The best thing was waking up and seeing him there. . .most times he was watching me. The love on his face amazes me sometimes. After 27 years of being with this man, he still looks at me like when we were dating. Kinda felt like that while he was here. I look forward to the next visit and then being back together. God has given me a wonderful husband! I am so thankful for him and what we share!

miss him again though . . .

Not good getting of Night schedule for three days. . .I crashed today. . .slept all day and could have slept longer! But it was worth it! I love you Jeff!

Apr 7, 2008

My LOVE. . .My Partner. . .My friend. . .the half of me that has been missing!

It has been 3 weeks. . .I am so glad he is coming here on Wednesday! A week earlier and a week less I have to wait to see him, be with him & enjoy his company! This has been a strange time, but one we both knew this was how it was to be. I am looking forward to 3 days of his presence and time to catch up!

I love you Jeff! See U Soon!!!!!


Mar 31, 2008

(Shania Twain)

When I first saw you, I saw love.
And the first time you touched me, I felt love.
And after all this time, you're still the one I love.

Looks like we made it
Look how far we've come my baby
We mighta took the long way
We knew we'd get there someday
They said, "I bet they'll never make it"
But just look at us holding on
We're still together still going strong

You're still the one I run to
The one that I belong to
You're still the one I want for life
You're still the one that I love
The only one I dream of
You're still the one I kiss good night

Ain't nothin' better
We beat the odds together
I'm glad we didn't listen
Look at what we would be missin
They said, "I bet they'll never make it"
But just look at us holding on
We're still together still going strong

You're still the one I run to
The one that I belong to
You're still the one I want for life
You're still the one that I love
The only one I dream of
You're still the one I kiss good night

I'm so glad we made it
Look how far we've come my baby. . .

I miss you!

Mar 26, 2008

Pillar of Cloud led them. . .

God led the people of Israel through the wilderness with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.
I was walking out from work the other morning and looked up to see the steam rising up from the Cooling Tower (there is only one here at this plant). Those verses ran through my head about how God visibly guided them the way he wanted them to go.
Do you ever wish He would do that today? (I think of those silly "black cloud" cartoons) I have often wished that it would be that clear. . .but now I look and see that He does make it clear. . .it is just not visible to everyone else, only those He is guiding. Then I got to wondering if anyone else passing by could see the cloud and the fire?
Sometimes others do not understand the leading of God in our lives. They silently (or verbally) think we are crazy or hitting mid-life crisis. . .

Mar 22, 2008

The Psalms

I have been reading all of the Psalms, a couple a day. So uplifitng and encouraging and then some are so dark almost depressing. . .I love how it can mirror our mood shifts and how emotional we are as humans . . .when I was a kid, we were taught that everyone in the Bible was good and Godly and loved the Lord. We were never shown the reality and the realness of each character God shows us in His Word.

I am so glad that God provides for us the realness, the humanity of each of the "Fathers (& mothers) of our faith". Watching them come through their struggles, trials and accomplishments - seeing their faith grow, their love for Him increase. . .gives us hope and encouragement.

His instructions to us basically come down to this. . .trust Him, follow Him in obedience, give Him the glory for it ALL! He will take care of the rest. . . learn from these examples. . .the good and bad!

Psalm 148: 13-14
Let them all praise the Name of the Lord
For His name is very great!
His glory towers over the earth and heaven!
He has made His people strong,
Honoring His godly ones -
The people of Israel who are close to Him.

Ever notice just how small you are when standing at the foot of a great mountain or digging your feet into the soft sand on the Shoreline? I sat and thought on the above verses this morning and thought about how miniscule that mountain and that shoreline actually are in comparison to HIM! His glory towers over the earth and the heavens! As our youth say "AHMAZING!" Can you even try and comprehend that? His Glory TOWERS over the earth AND the heavens!!!!!

Mar 21, 2008

It's God's day!

Woke up this morning thinking on exactly what He did for me (for us). . .on that day so long ago. . .we call it good friday. . .not so sure he was thinking of goodness on that particular day. It was good for us. . .what He must have had inside Him waring between the fully God and fully man. . .to know exactly what was coming and what He would endure. . .knowing the cost to Him and the benefit to us. . .what unselfish love He has for us. . .I am so humbled as I sit here and think of HIM. . .HIM. . .HIM. . .HIM

Mar 14, 2008

Psalm 56:3-4

Had a melt down a few days ago. Got word that I am heading up to jersey. Fears assailed me like never before. I had a friend betray me in the midst of all of this. . .The sadness of leaving the people we have ministered with for the last 2 years overwhelmed me. . .Seeing the precious kids faces of our G220 gang come and hug and bring laughter & food (I LOVE YOU GUYS!). . .Fear of not finding a decent place to live. melt down!

encouraging words and hugs from my precious husband. . .quietly a prayer slips past my lips. . . .a song begins in my head. . .

Pslam 56:3-4

When I am afraid I will trust in You

When I am afraid I will trust in You

In God Whose word I praise In God I trust

I will not be afraid what can man do to me?

When I am afraid I will trust in You
When I am afraid I will trust in You

In God Whose word I praise In God I trust
I will not be afraid what can man do to me?

Trust in You

Trust in You

Trust in You

Trust in You

Trust in You

Trust in You

Trust in You. . .

for 2 days this song has reverberated in my heart and head. for 2 days now peace has come and fear has subsided. Never discount how God will use scripture to bring you peace!

Thank YOU Father! Your provision is amazing! Your grace so undeserved! I LOVE YOU!

To our dear friend L thank you for the word and prayers and friendship! One of these days we will get to meet!

Mar 3, 2008

Daytona Bike Week 08

Attended my first Bike Week in Daytona Beach this weekend. What a mixture of people converge on this place. Typically when you think of Motorcycles you probably think of gangs, leather, fights and mayhem. . . .OK, well there was alot of mayhem and leather but there was alot more to it. On of the tents we went to was a guy that has seen his share of life and comes to these events to share Jesus, Hope and cold bottle of water with anyone that stops by. Christian Riders Ministry. . .a very welcoming group of people. If you are ver at an event and you see their yellow tent, stop by and say hi. . .

I love watching my husband get so excited as we get there (just the ride alone makes him happy), the way he watches everyone and takes it all in. His talks with the Father as he walks around and searches for where Primal Faith may fit in this crazy realm. The fact that he was glad I was with him made me so happy. We enjoyed the ride and the time together with good friends.

The ministry ( ) is coming along - God is moving us ever closer to the reality of what it will be. We handed out a few flyers. The Website has already changed. I am very interested in seeing what it will become, the lives God will change and use for His glory. The people that will meet HIM because of him and his passion.

Not looking forward to him being gone and traveling so much, but I know there is a purpose for it and God will be with him so I cannot worry. Only trust.

Feb 20, 2008

Crazy Sign Quotes. . .

Heard about a sign that stated:

"God can do anything until you put Him in a box"

I laughed when I heard it, because of the absurdity of that thought. I think that we sometimes think we have more power than we actually do or we are just so caught up in ourselves that somehow we make that statement seem to be true. Because after all He love us more than anything. . .how self absorbed are we? He loves us don't get me wrong.

Maybe we should switch it around and say "God can do anything. Period. But I am in the box surrounded by myself and what I want, so I can't always see what He is doing."
May we gain perspective on who we are or are not. . .God does as He wishes, it is not dependant on me or what I do. I am so glad, because far too many times I am too self absorbed to think of anything else. May my heart be drawn to Him and be absorbed by Him instead of me.

Feb 3, 2008

A little time out for politics. . .

Is she kidding?? What part of freedom of choice does she not understand?? You can choose to have an abortion, but you cannot choose to not have health insurance. . .

WASHINGTON - Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton said Sunday she might be
willing to have workers' wages garnished if they refuse to buy health insurance
to achieve coverage for all Americans.

The New York senator has criticized presidential rival Barack Obama for
pushing a health plan that would not require universal coverage. Clinton has not
always specified the enforcement measures she would embrace, but when pressed
during a television interview, she said: "I think there are a number of
mechanisms" that are possible, including "going after people's wages, automatic

Clinton said such measures would apply only to workers who can afford
health coverage but refuse to buy it, which puts undue pressure on hospitals and
emergency rooms. Under her plan, she said, health care "will be affordable for
everyone" because she would limit premium payments "to a low percent of your
income." - copied from AP By CHARLES BABINGTON, Associated Press Writer

Jan 15, 2008

God's Timing is quite amazing. . .

Does it ever blow your mind that God times stuff so perfectly and it all comes or does not come to pass?

I have been working an "Outage" at the Nuk plant here since September. I have had no time for anything else. But, I have a "Hobby" of Designing websites and have a few that I up keep and have designed. All through this time of working these crazy hours, I have wondered what would happen if I get calls wanting me to do a website for someone. Funny thing is I had not had one call and all of my existing sites have not needed much attention through this time. I even had a full page ad out in a HS Football program!

Fast forward to Christmas and the end of the outage. . .All of a sudden my email box is full of requests, my phone is ringing asking me to design websites and logos!! WOW it is amazing! It is so cool to look back and see how God worked and held back what I could not handle.

That is so COOL!

Jan 8, 2008

Business Card. . .

A new pastor was visiting in the homes of his parishioners. At one house it seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer came to his repeated knocks at the door.Therefore, he took out a business card and wrote "Revelation 3:20" on the back of it and stuck it in the door.

When the offering was processed the following Sunday, he found that his card had been returned.

Added to it was this cryptic message, "Genesis 3:10."

Reaching for his Bible to check out the citation, he broke up in gales of laughter.

Revelation 3:20 begins "Behold, I stand at the door and knock."
Genesis 3:10 reads, "I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid for I was naked."

"A cheerful heart is good medicine" (Prov. 17:22)

Jan 3, 2008

Winter Has Come!

You don't get to say that too much in South Florida! Woke up to a brisk 35 degrees out this morning and a wind chill of 12 - EWE! Not much on the cold weather, but it is a nice change. This would have been nice right around Christmas. Oh well. It is what it is. . .

Had a very different Holiday Season this year. It was good just different. Spent time with the Grandkids - my favorite thing to do! They are growing up so fast! I love having them around. Mostly just got to hang out with Jeff and be with him. My other favorite thing to do. Had planned on spending time with friends during our trip, but I got sick on the way up to my daughters and spent 2 days in bed. So , we focused on being around the kids.

Looking forward to what 2008 holds for us. . .

Jan 2, 2008

Locks of Love

Can you imagine a child fighting with cancer and then also having to live with no hair? Locks of Love is a great program that takes donations of hair and makes them into wigs for these precious kids. Several months ago I decided to continue growing my hair out to donate to this cause.
Of course there is so much mis-information out there that I decided to go to the source - - I got everything I needed to know. Alot of salons will doante the cost of the haircut

I had heard that if you color (permanent color) your hair you cannot donate - not true - they just can't use bleached hair, it melts in the wig making process.
For the wigs they accept 8 - 12 inch ponytails. they also accept shorter lengths that they can sell to cover the cost of the wig making process.
Take the challenge if you can. It is such a great thing.

This photo is of my Grandaughter Ava & me with my new haircut.