Oct 30, 2007

Looking but not seeing. . .

That is how I feel today. . .like I am looking through this huge bright window but not seeing anything. I want to be a part, but I am in this room and cannot leave. . .while I watch others go on with their lives. Not sure why this is, but it is. . .so I must be content to trust and let God lead. . .or leave me as I am for now.

It is quite strange. Because I am not really sad being in this room. it is comfortable and I can watch part of it. . .I just cannot be a part of it. . .Just kind of strange the way things are going. . .

Oct 25, 2007

There is Peace. . .

I have this settling peace over me when I think of the future. There is so much that is unknown. . .but the faithfulness God has shown me has proven time and again that He is trustworthy.

Had a funny thing happen with my darlin husband this week and it made me realize how much I love him and what a great friend he is. I have been so content with our relationship, that I was taken back by his question. For it was nothing that had even crossed my mind in a long time. His love has been so complete and fulfilling that I have been captured by him. My mind seems consumed by what God is doing in our lives and the joy of watching God working in him and seeing what is coming. . .My only sadness is not being able to join him on some of his journeys. But that too has purpose in it.

If you have ever doubted the power of prayer and God working. . .you just need look at my wonderful husband. He used to be alot of bad things. . .God has transformed him into this man that has a heart that seeks after God constantly. . .wanting to know HIM more and do more than just exist.

He has taught me . . .

to laugh at myself.

to enjoy the moment and not wish it away.
to love God with a passion.

to speak up for myself.
to love people as they are.

to not be so insecure.

to find out who I am apart from being a mother.

I love him for all these reasons and so many more. He is a treasure God has given me and I plan on cherishing this treasure as long as I live. . .

I love you, Jeff!

Oct 20, 2007

50 Years!!

Today they celebrate 50 years of marriage!!!

My Mom & Dad,
Ed & Ginny
or Grammie & Grandad

Happy Anniversary!

We love you!


Oct 14, 2007

Elisha. . .what a man of God!

Reading the accounts of God's power flowing through Elisha. . .he was not afraid of telling it like it was. Willing to go and do whatever it was God told him to do. . .How tender he was with the woman who provided him food and a place to lay his head. . .I bet you the kids these days would not be so mean and hurtful if Elisha was around. They mocked him - calling him "Baldhead" and he cursed them and brought bears out and killed 42 of these kids!. . .He alone got to see Elijah taken to heaven in the fiery chariot. . .I love the account of that. He would not leave Elijah's side, for he knew what was coming. All of the prophets kept telling him Elijah was going to be gone and he would shush them, not wanting to ruin what what was coming.

We have encountered a modern day prophet recently. . .sceptical? don't be, I was at first, but God has opened my eyes. . . she is the real deal. There are more out there just like her. God has not stopped working in miraculous ways, we have just stopped believeing in ALL that He can do. We are the ones who need a good dose of un-americanized, full of the Holy Spirit, awakening to WHO God really is and that He is still speaking and working through people just as He did long ago.

As Elisha told the kings of old, stop worshipping idols and turn to the ONE true God. He is the one that can help you, He is the One that heals, provides, touches, comforts, and is alive and well. No we don't have statues that we bow down to every day, but we have replaced those statues with "Stuff", things we place ahead of God and that consume our minds and our time. We need to stop each day and bow down to the Almighty God, seek Him and not let church be our idol either.

Father, You are so amazing. Let us see more of You, know more of You, and do more for You!

Oct 13, 2007

He loves me. . .

He left 5 days ago. . .5 days ago, I went home to an empty house, but. . .it had been transformed while I was gone. . .everywhere I turned I saw neon pink notes plastered with "I LOVE YOU!". . ."I love you here". . . "I even love you here!" I am still finding them. Like something out of a Dr. Suess book. . .What a special treat and a joy to my heart. I left them up so I could see them every night when I come home. My husband is so precious!

The best one I found was on my Bible where I have my time with God each morning. Sitting here thinking about those notes, I am reminded of Someone Who never goes away. He has been with me through this and many other times. A request and He helps me sleep, for I do not like being alone. I am so thankful for a Father that is. . .

Looking forward to Monday when My love returns. God has given him a wonderful week seeing our children and grandchildren, spending time with some friends that are encouraging him in the Lord. He needed this week away. . .so glad he could go. I will be glad when he is back home. . .I miss him.

God, Thank you for the this precious treasure you have given me and for times like these when I can learn to appreciate him even more. You knew so much more than I did 27 years ago what I needed and what would make it the best it could be. So many scars, but actually they are traces of You growing me and creating me into the person You want me to be. . .

Oct 11, 2007

Thinking. . .

Being home alone gives you a little time to think.

God has been so faithful to me in my life.

I have a wonderful husband and best friend.

I miss him right now.

God is working on my children

He loves them more than I

My dearest friend needs God to release her grant her peace after this long journey

My grandchildren are the light of my life

Mother-in-Laws can be such a blessing

My daughter is a wonderful mother and wife

My son is back

a long awaited email brings tears when it finally arrives

A brother is a treasure

A true sister may not always be blood related

Being happy flips some people out

Music really does soothe the soul

God really does answer prayer and

He is intimately involved in our lives - we just sometimes don't notice