Heard about a sign that stated:
"God can do anything until you put Him in a box"
I laughed when I heard it, because of the absurdity of that thought. I think that we sometimes think
we have more power than we actually do or we are just so caught up in ourselves that somehow we make that statement seem to be true. Because after all He love us more than anything. . .how self absorbed are we? He loves us don't get me wrong.

Maybe we should switch it around and say "God can do anything. Period. But I am in the box surrounded by myself and what I want, so I can't always see what He is doing."
May we gain perspective on who we are or are not. . .God does as He wishes, it is not dependant on me or what I do. I am so glad, because far too many times I am too self absorbed to think of anything else. May my heart be drawn to Him and be absorbed by Him instead of me.