Dec 19, 2005

Coming home. . .

They say you can never go back. . .

I say it is wonderful to go back home. . .

Spent 2 days at 2 of our former churches this weekend. What a joy to be able to go back and see such special friends and basically family.

Was able to see one of "My Girls" get married to a wonderful young man and continue their road into ministry together.

Was able to spend time with one of my dearest friends, just picking up where we left off and seeming like we haven't been apart. Time flies so fast . . . her girls are growing like weeds, each with their own personalities. She is a true friend.

Witnessed my daughter join a church with her boyfriend & without me. That is hard and joyful all at the same time. Cool part is, it is at our first church we were on staff at. Felt like I was back at home with my family, visiting there. What wonderful people they are. Just a group of people who love God and are living life in community with each other. I am glad Linsey and Keith are going to be a part of that family. They all seem to be thrilled to have them there. What a genuine group of believers.

I am spending a few days with Linsey. I love how our relationship has grown and is becoming a friendship. She is so special to me and such a wonderful young woman. I will treasure this time for I know it will be changing soon. As hard as it is to see your kids grow up and move on, it is such a joy to see God working in their lives and see them become adults. It is different but fun.

I miss my son. I am so joyful knowing he is happy and learning to be a husband and father. But, I miss him coming and sitting down and just talking about life with me. I treasure those moments we had. . .I look forward to more down the road.

Coming home. . .around the holidays that is alot of fun to do. Get back in touch with family and friends and enjoy being together. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and holiday season!

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