Apr 29, 2006

25 years!!

Wow, I sit here in awe at what has happened and how 25 years have flown by. This May 16th will be the 25th anniversary with my husband. How full of joy I am when I think about him. JEFF - - He is the one person who can make me happiest or maddest in the world.

I love him for who he has helped me become. He pushes me to step out of my comfort zone and to jump up out of the ruts I sometimes get into. He is my best friend and the one person I know will be there for me.

25 years of a roller coaster ride that has been incredible. There have been times I have wanted off. But, thankfully the cars never slowed down enough for me to jump out.

Sticking it out, has been hard but so worth it. Now we walk through the mall or down the beach (when I can get him to go) hand in hand and are enjoying the empty nesting time. It is so much fun I must say.

Jeff, I love you! Thanks for being. . .

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