Dec 18, 2007

Baby Face . . .

- she's got the cutest little baby face!!!

I cannot help it, but whenever I see this little face I just have to smile!

Babies are great! Grandbabies are even better!!!

He doesn't have a baby face anymore - but oh how he makes me smile!! There is just a joy that comes when I think about these two faces and cannot wait to meet the one that is on the way!

Dec 17, 2007

Santa Had a Melt Down. . .

Got this real pretty wreath last year with Santa on it with this long flowing "white" Beard. Came home from curch yesterday and the heat and humidity took it's toll on poor Santa - he was out of his element. Beard is now red and drippy. ewe!

Just reminded me of how when we are out of our element we can sometimes have a melt down of our own. Left to our own devices we can become red & drippy. . .only through God's strength and spending time with Him daily in HIS element can we survive the elements we encounter and make it through the tough times that come along.

Dec 12, 2007


Why is it that family members are the hardest people to be honest with?

When they hurt you and never admit it - they just try to shove it under the carpet that looks more like a mountain because of all of the junk under it. Never willing to deal with it out in the open, they just justify actions or live in denial.

May we keep short accounts with those who will actually let us and pour out the rest to our Father, about those family members who will not accept any blame or admit that they have been hurtful. I would rather be like that than live with my head stuck in the sand. We must be responsible for breaking those proverbial family chains.

Dec 10, 2007

Pushin' Out To Sea

Here we stand hand in hand

Ready to do Your Will. . .

The shore has been our comfort zone

the waves sometimes look too high

But we'll look up & grab Your Hand

and cling when faith seems frail

Excitement and anxiety
sometimes clash inside our hearts
But You speak over us and clarity comes

Our commitment is brought in to focus

You call us and there we go!

Dec 6, 2007

Christmas Musings. . . .

I am so thankful for so many things.

It has been a good year.

The best gift? a precious little pink bundle named Ava.

My husband and I have grown even closer to each other.

Our relationships with God have increased instead of decreased!

Reunited with a very dear friend from High School. God blessed me with more time as her friend! We have been able to help each other through some tough things.

The joy on my daughters face as a wife and mother is so awesome to watch.
She was blessed with such a wonderful husband and the sweetest little girl.
She is one of my closest friends!

I have the best Mother-in-Law EVER! She is so precious to me. Always has time for us. Such a giving woman. . .not so much stuff, but her heart and her help in any way possible.

My son and his family are expanding next year! Tara is glowing and working very hard! Jackson is my buddy! His pictures make me smile. He reminds me of a little boy that used to live in my home!

Early marriage is tough, but worth the fight to keep it.

God has given me friends that I have yet to meet, one in Texas, one in NC. They have made a huge difference in my life already.

I love Christmas Lights. . .

My brothers are very special to me. They make me laugh and I am so glad they are in my life!

My sister-in-law is not an in-law at all - we are truly sisters, sisters, there were never ever better sisters. . .

I will be glad when work slows down and I can spend time with my close friends. . .I miss our afternoon coffee and/or morning breakfasts.

I am in Beach DT's. . .and my office sits across the street from the ocean! torture. . .

I am excited about what the future holds! God is revealing some really cool things, in really cool ways!

Music is music to my ears.

Laughter is the greatest thing! Make sure you laugh a little or alot every day!

Dec 4, 2007


Sat here today reading an email from a friend I have, that I have not met yet. . .chills ran up and down at the prospect of what it could mean to my husband and myself!

Have had thoughts rolling in my mind about this exact subject and just dismissed it as just putting situations together. . .maybe not. . .is this what God is leading on? Is this where? and Why?

Cool how God is putting the pieces to the puzzle together and how things we thought had only one purpose may have more. . .I love to watch God working. It is always amazing and unconventional.