Sep 28, 2008

What to do? What to do?

Been struggling to find my place of late, at our new place of worship & ministry. Even though it is temporary we know getting connected its vital to our way of life. Have had many conversations with my hubby about just where I feel I am gifted to serve.

Have always struggled because everyone always thinks a minister's wife should be teaching or something like that. . .I like the interaction of teaching, but studying is not my fav thing to do - to be honest I DON'T like it! I am sure you are totally shocked. ;o) I love feeding people in a literal sense. but I feel there should be another aspect to what I am doing for God.

So, every week, I just follow Jeff around and wonder what it might be that I would enjoy doing. He really loves speaking and teaching, it is something he thrives on, enjoys and really feels fulfilled. Through this area we are serving in Saturate weekend connect God began to answer my question. . .

Met a new friend, Amanda, through Saturate and we hit it off immediately, she is in the same boat, only 20 years younger than I. So, we talked, connected and I really enjoy hanging out and talking with her. Looking forward to more conversations. She is a really awesome young lady.

Met another young woman, Rachel, last night, it was instant connection, I was able to talk to her from the other side of a situation she is facing and shed some perspective. Seemed as though we talked for an hour when it was actually only a few minutes. Encouraged her and shed some of the ideas she had about Life Groups. Looking forward to getting to know her more.

Funny how God does that. Lets you form an instant bond with someone and not totally understand why.

Then it hit me. . .That is my ministry. . .one on one. . .sharing life with other women. . . one on one. . . connecting with someone . . .share life . . .and God's wisdom together. But isn't that what it is all about anyway? Connecting. . .doing life together. . .being there for each other. . .enjoying time spent together.

I came away after an amazing Baptism service . . .they bring a swimming pool into the auditorium and those coming for baptism get to share their story with everyone as they are being baptized! Key people in their lives can come into the pool with them and share this special moment at LCBC "Lives Changed By Christ" - cried my eyes out at the sweet stories and special ways God has drawn each of these precious people to Himself! AWESOME!

So, with a lighter spirit and more thoughts on giving it away instead of just existing. We drove away from church last night in the middle of the rain that has set in and enjoyed the ride and thoughts running through my head and heart. Looking forward to what is to come. . .

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