Dec 13, 2004


Have you ever just sat and looked around you. . .at the minute details of everything? The intricasy of a flower, of a leaf, at the awesomeness of a rainbow and how quickly it appears? Much less our own bodies and how they function. How often do we not notice the creation of God. We think about creation, but is it someting we think is done, over, finished? hmmm.

Just look at what you are doing right now. . .reading a blog I am writing here and you can read it there. Do you think this just happened? "Every good and perfect gift comes from above!" God created the person who He gave the idea of computers. . .who He gave the ability to design the internet. . . WIFI. . .fax machines. . .chocolate. . .music. . .lights. . .art. . .pictures. . .CDs. . .phones. . .

How can we worship God and not realize and appreciate what He is doing? How creative He is. . .where do you think we get our creativity from? Our desire to do and make things? Not from some stodgy old man sitting up there waiting to smush us when we do the wrong thing! Not from some elusive being that is unconcerned about His creation! Not from within ourselves!

James 1:17-18
"Whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God above, who created all heaven's lights. Unlike them, he never changes or casts shifting shadows. In his goodness he chose to make us his own children by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his choice possession."

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