Sep 10, 2007

Abigail - a woman of faith

Reading along in I Samuel this morning I am reminded of a Godly woman named Abigail. One of my favorite Women of the Bible actually. She had a tough situation in her life and faced it head on with grace & dignity.

Married to a loser, she proceeded with her lot in life and made the best of it. Confronted with a bad situation, knowing David and his men would come back and kill her husband (which most women would have welcomed). She took it upon herself to take a peace offering to David and his men. Instead of saying, it was all my husband's fault, she took the blame and begged his forgiveness. She was a strong woman full of faith and very knowledgable in what was going on in her day. How many women would have cowered in fear of her husband's reprisal for what she had done?

I wonder if maybe Nabal's heart attack (or stroke) was brought on by the rage he felt for what she had done behind his back.

I know many women that have similar lots in life, two in particular I was reminded of this morning. That have that same grace and love of God, to accept who it is they married and live their lives according to the Proverbs 31 woman, instead of being an "Oprah 101" woman.

One is my Mother-in-law and the other is my best friend from High School. They both show the grace and love of God to their families daily. No they are not perfect, but, they don't whine about the decisions made in their lives, they just stand up and live for God and show their husband's what a Godly woman is like.

I look up to both of these women in ways they will never know. I pray that God will bring about the transformation in their families that He has done for my husband.

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