Sep 18, 2007

Been reading of David. . .

What an awesome read. . .David was such a man of passion and love. But so human. . .

What must it have been like to dance with all your might down the main street to the Glory of God?

To know you were annointed King long before it was time?

To paitiently wait and honor the current king even in his failures?

To be so intertwined with the royal family knowing God was not pleased with the current state of things. . . yet vowing to this closest of friends to always honor the family?

To have so much but want more and have the power to take it?

To feel the sting of pain as Nathan proclaims your deepest secret to you. . .given by the One you were worshipping days before?

To live out your days loving the God Who carried you through the family curse. . .

God may we only even glimps a love for you that David had. A confidence in Your ability bring about what You will and to accept the punishment for what we have done. . .not blaming anyone but ourselves. But letting You set it right.

May we learn to dance in the street - not worrying what others may think, even family, and enjoy worshipping You as David did.

Give me a heart like that. . .

1 comment:

Remnant Sons MC said...

you mind is truly filled with him. it is evident in your words, but it is more evident in your eyes...