Sep 13, 2007

Time for a "soapbox" question. . .

I have been pondering a question deep in my heart and have vocalized it to one other. It disturbs me, yet, I have not found the answer. . .Here is my quandry. . ."Has the church become a hospital that does not welcome but only the select sick?". . . I know of several couples that are living together. They started attending church and wanted to join and were told "no". There is a friend that is gay. . .would I feel comfortable bringing him to my "Hospital"? no. . .I do not understand how we can effectively minister to those we meet that are not of the "acceptable" realm of sickness. . .Why is it that Jesus went into and traveled around with all manner of sinners, loving them and showing them mercy, meeting them where they were? Yet we cloister ourselves off and do not allow them to come along with us and let God do the healing. Isn't He the Physician? Instead, we basically say, go clean yourself up and then you can come and be a part of us." What is up with that?

It kind of reminds me of a nurse in the midst of a war zone, shewing the obviously sick away and only letting those who she thinks have minor injuries into see the Physician. Selective healing?? Is there a workable solution? Is the American Church too far gone to bring around?

hmmmmm. . . .any input?

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