Reading the accounts of God's power flowing through Elisha. . .he was not afraid of telling it like it was. Willing to go and do whatever it was God told him to do. . .How tender he was with the woman who provided him food and a place to lay his head. . .I bet you the kids these days would not be so mean and hurtful if Elisha was around. They mocked him - calling him "Baldhead" and he cursed them and brought bears out and killed 42 of these kids!. . .He alone got to see Elijah taken to heaven in the fiery chariot. . .I love the account of that. He would not leave Elijah's side, for he knew what was coming. All of the prophets kept telling him Elijah was going to be gone and he would shush them, not wanting to ruin what what was coming.
We have encountered a modern day prophet recently. . .sceptical? don't be, I was at first, but God has opened my eyes. . . she is the real deal. There are more out there just like her. God has not stopped working in miraculous ways, we have just stopped believeing in ALL that He can do. We are the ones who need a good dose of un-americanized, full of the Holy Spirit, awakening to WHO God really is and that He is still speaking and working through people just as He did long ago.
As Elisha told the kings of old, stop worshipping idols and turn to the ONE true God. He is the one that can help you, He is the One that heals, provides, touches, comforts, and is alive and well. No we don't have statues that we bow down to every day, but we have replaced those statues with "Stuff", things we place ahead of God and that consume our minds and our time. We need to stop each day and bow down to the Almighty God, seek Him and not let church be our idol either.
Father, You are so amazing. Let us see more of You, know more of You, and do more for You!
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