Mar 26, 2008

Pillar of Cloud led them. . .

God led the people of Israel through the wilderness with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.
I was walking out from work the other morning and looked up to see the steam rising up from the Cooling Tower (there is only one here at this plant). Those verses ran through my head about how God visibly guided them the way he wanted them to go.
Do you ever wish He would do that today? (I think of those silly "black cloud" cartoons) I have often wished that it would be that clear. . .but now I look and see that He does make it clear. . .it is just not visible to everyone else, only those He is guiding. Then I got to wondering if anyone else passing by could see the cloud and the fire?
Sometimes others do not understand the leading of God in our lives. They silently (or verbally) think we are crazy or hitting mid-life crisis. . .

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