Dec 18, 2007

Baby Face . . .

- she's got the cutest little baby face!!!

I cannot help it, but whenever I see this little face I just have to smile!

Babies are great! Grandbabies are even better!!!

He doesn't have a baby face anymore - but oh how he makes me smile!! There is just a joy that comes when I think about these two faces and cannot wait to meet the one that is on the way!

Dec 17, 2007

Santa Had a Melt Down. . .

Got this real pretty wreath last year with Santa on it with this long flowing "white" Beard. Came home from curch yesterday and the heat and humidity took it's toll on poor Santa - he was out of his element. Beard is now red and drippy. ewe!

Just reminded me of how when we are out of our element we can sometimes have a melt down of our own. Left to our own devices we can become red & drippy. . .only through God's strength and spending time with Him daily in HIS element can we survive the elements we encounter and make it through the tough times that come along.

Dec 12, 2007


Why is it that family members are the hardest people to be honest with?

When they hurt you and never admit it - they just try to shove it under the carpet that looks more like a mountain because of all of the junk under it. Never willing to deal with it out in the open, they just justify actions or live in denial.

May we keep short accounts with those who will actually let us and pour out the rest to our Father, about those family members who will not accept any blame or admit that they have been hurtful. I would rather be like that than live with my head stuck in the sand. We must be responsible for breaking those proverbial family chains.

Dec 10, 2007

Pushin' Out To Sea

Here we stand hand in hand

Ready to do Your Will. . .

The shore has been our comfort zone

the waves sometimes look too high

But we'll look up & grab Your Hand

and cling when faith seems frail

Excitement and anxiety
sometimes clash inside our hearts
But You speak over us and clarity comes

Our commitment is brought in to focus

You call us and there we go!

Dec 6, 2007

Christmas Musings. . . .

I am so thankful for so many things.

It has been a good year.

The best gift? a precious little pink bundle named Ava.

My husband and I have grown even closer to each other.

Our relationships with God have increased instead of decreased!

Reunited with a very dear friend from High School. God blessed me with more time as her friend! We have been able to help each other through some tough things.

The joy on my daughters face as a wife and mother is so awesome to watch.
She was blessed with such a wonderful husband and the sweetest little girl.
She is one of my closest friends!

I have the best Mother-in-Law EVER! She is so precious to me. Always has time for us. Such a giving woman. . .not so much stuff, but her heart and her help in any way possible.

My son and his family are expanding next year! Tara is glowing and working very hard! Jackson is my buddy! His pictures make me smile. He reminds me of a little boy that used to live in my home!

Early marriage is tough, but worth the fight to keep it.

God has given me friends that I have yet to meet, one in Texas, one in NC. They have made a huge difference in my life already.

I love Christmas Lights. . .

My brothers are very special to me. They make me laugh and I am so glad they are in my life!

My sister-in-law is not an in-law at all - we are truly sisters, sisters, there were never ever better sisters. . .

I will be glad when work slows down and I can spend time with my close friends. . .I miss our afternoon coffee and/or morning breakfasts.

I am in Beach DT's. . .and my office sits across the street from the ocean! torture. . .

I am excited about what the future holds! God is revealing some really cool things, in really cool ways!

Music is music to my ears.

Laughter is the greatest thing! Make sure you laugh a little or alot every day!

Dec 4, 2007


Sat here today reading an email from a friend I have, that I have not met yet. . .chills ran up and down at the prospect of what it could mean to my husband and myself!

Have had thoughts rolling in my mind about this exact subject and just dismissed it as just putting situations together. . .maybe not. . .is this what God is leading on? Is this where? and Why?

Cool how God is putting the pieces to the puzzle together and how things we thought had only one purpose may have more. . .I love to watch God working. It is always amazing and unconventional.

Nov 30, 2007

Do you derive your theology from the lyrics of a song?

Anonymous, Good article, thanks for the link. Does not support your comment though. . .And yes the song is full of sarcasm. That is the point. . . we in America think we have a grasp on the "Big Picture". . .sorry to burst your little bubble. . .but we aren't even close. Our view of God is so small. Unfortuantely we have been given (sometimes sold) a small view of God through our churches and TV Land. I don't want to serve a God that I have to pay money to get a blessing! That is NOT the God I serve!

I do not get my theology from a song. but it can make you think. . .and laugh. It points out how trivial we can be at times. Others are starving, being beaten and hiding for their faith or just to live. We sit in the lap of a great nation and pray for our team to WIN! How messed up is that?

We were in the mall last night and overheard a woman talking rather loudly, to the poor captive cashier, about what they were doing to raise money for an event at their church. It would have been amusing had it not been for the last comment she made. . .after all of her talk about God and how he was providing and they were so excited. . .but they needed more money 3k more. . .they were just trying to get this last bit of money in . . .then the comment that blew my mind. . ."oh by the way don't tell your manager what I just said, I am not supposed to be doing this here" . . .I wanted to go up to the cashier and apologize on behalf of the not so crazy people who love God.

What a representation of Americanized Christianity.

Nov 18, 2007

The Eagles New Album

Growing up in the 70's you just had to love the Eagles music. . .
Just picked up their new album. AWESOME!
I think I have already worn it out. Has some great songs.
But one that hit me and I love is. . .

"Frail Grasp On The Big Picture"

Well, ain't it a shame
That our short little memories
Never seem to learn
The message of history
We keep makin' the same mistakes
Over and over and over and over again
And then we wonder why
We're in the shape we're in

Good ol' boys down at the bar
Peanuts and politics
They think they know it all
They don't know much of nothing
Even if one of them was to read the newspaper
That ain't what's going on
Journalism's dead and gone

Frail grasp on the big picture
Light fading and the fog is getting thicker
It's a frail grasp on the big picture
Dark ages

You my love-drunk friend
All that red wine and candlelight
Soulful conversations
That go on until the dawn
How many times can you tell your story?
How many hangovers can you endure
Just to get some snuggling done?
You're living in a hollow dream
You don't have the slightest notion
What long-term love is all about
All your romantic liasons
Don't deal with eternal questions like
Who left the cap off the freaking toothpaste?
Whose turn to take the garbage out?

Frail grasp on the big picture
You keep on rubbin' that,
you're gonna get a blister
It's a frail grasp on the big picture
I've seen it all before

And we pray to our Lord
Who we know is American
He reigns from on high
He speaks to us through middlemen
And he shepherds his flock
We sing out and we praise His name
He supports us in war
He presides over football games
And the right will prevail
All our troubles shall be resolved
We have faith in the Lord
Unless there's money or sex involved

Frail grasp on the big picture
Nobody's calling them for roughing up the pitcher (?)
It's a frail grasp on the big picture
Heaven help us

Frail grasp on the big picture
All waiting for that miracle elixir
Frail grasp on the big picture
I don't wonder anymore
Frail grasp on the big picture
Somebody says,
"You brought her here so go ahead and kiss her

Frail grasp on the big picture
Frail grasp on the big picture
Light fading and the fog is getting thicker
It's a frail grasp on the big picture
Frail grasp on the big picture
Frail grasp on the big picture

Nov 13, 2007

None But Jesus. . .

None But Jesus

by Brooke Fraser

In the quiet,
in the stillness
I know that You are God
In the secret of Your presence
I know there I am restored
When You call I won’t refuse
Each new day again I’ll choose
There is no one else for me
None but Jesus
Crucified to set me free
Now I live to bring Him praise
In the chaos, in confusion
I know You’re Sovereign still
In the moment of my weakness
You give me grace to do Your will
When You call I won’t delay
This my song through all my days
All my delight is in You Lord
All of my hope, all of my strength
All my delight is in You Lord Forevermore

Nov 10, 2007

I will give You thanks forever, because You have done it!!

I love it when God's faithfulness is revealed and hope springs anew!! Here is a response from my best friend, Cheri, that shares my name. . .This is how God ministered to her today. I just had to share this!

My dear friends, The Lord has given the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness!! Thank you for your prayers; God has worked in a mighty way! He has guided and directed me through a thick fog and fierce storm. This is the scripture the Lord took me to this morning; honestly, I don'tbelieve I have ever read or heard this verse. As I was looking at another verse across the page, my eyes literally fell right to these words:

Isaiah 54: 5 - 8
For your Maker is your Husband - the Lord of hosts is His name and the Holy One of Israel is your redeemer; the God of the whole earth He is called. For the Lord
has called you like a woman forsaken, grieved in Spirit, and heart sore - even a wife wooed and won in youth, when she is later refused and scorned, says your God. For a brief moment I forsook you, but with great compassion and mercy I will gather you to Me again. In a little burst of wrath I hid my face from you for a moment, but with a age-enduring love and kindness I will have compassion and mercy on you says the Lord, your redeemer.

Jeremiah 33:3 says:
Call unto me, and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, which you know not.

What a wonderful promise! because He does answer, far beyond what we think or
imagine! I thank God for each one of you, thank you for your calls and emails
this week! Cheri

Glory and Honor and Praise! You are holy precious Father!!

Nov 8, 2007

Be Strong and Courageous

To two special women in my life going through a rough time right now. I urge you to be strong and courageous! Let the Light that lives inside you search out and destroy the darkness that is threatening you (and your children, Cheri).

My wish would that I could be to stand and fight right beside you. . .but since I am unable to be with you physically in your fight, I will fall on my knees every chance I get to pray that the Greatest Comforter and Warrior will be there surrounding you and protecting you in this battle. That you would know and feel His presence and praise Him for the victory that is to come.

I love you Anna & Cheri. . .be strong and courageous!

Nov 5, 2007

You Are Holy

Finally got to jump back on the Harley with Jeff yesterday. . .it's been awhile. What a gorgeous day. Almost cold! It was a great ride.

I love having my ipod on as we ride. As usual I was listening to it and had such a God time. It was awesome.

We were riding along the beach in Jupiter and you could see the waves every so often through the bushes. The cool breeze was blowing . . .the sky was so bright and clear and the song "You Are Holy" By Hillsong (linked below) comes on. The words overwhelmed me and comforted me at the same time.

To preface this, I have been feeling very lost in some things that are happening. Besides the fact that I have always struggled with being insecure. . .anyway, Jeff comes home from his trip and we have this long talk. . .cry. . .awakening. . .realization and humbling time the night before. A whole tumult of emotion. God breaks through some of the barriers I have set in place. He uses my precious husband to help me realize I was not trusting God through the past week. . .It was an awesome time of learning and getting ready to learn even more. . .

So, back to the ride. . . I am enjoying this song as I usually do and this phrase keeps repeating and it struck me in my heart. . .

I'll sing your praises forever
Deeper in love with you
Here in your courts
Where I'm close to your throne
I've found where I belong

I have found where I belong!!

Nov 3, 2007

Fall is here!!!

I walked out my door at 6:30 am to head to work this morning expecting the usual hot morning blast of air we have had lately. . .but I was greeted with a wonderful cool breeze!! It was so awesome! How refreshing to feel the fall air here in S FL!

Then again, it makes me want to get outside and play not be in my office working!

My husband has just come through a refreshing of sorts. A spiritual renewal . . .I am glad for him. and a little jealous I must admit. . . but how is it just like our heavenly Father to blow over us like this fresh fall breeze after a long hot summer. I know He will barely be touching the ground on his ride home.

I did not make this easy on him. I let fears and pride creep in and ruin my enjoyment of what he went to do. For that I do have regret. . .but my precious daughter was there to talk me through it and patiently listen to my feelings and what I was experienceing and then not blow them off but agree that they were valid and that I needed to give it over to God and trust Him. . .I love having a daughter that is a close friend and sister, as much as she is my child. Thank you Linsey, I love you dearly!

Jeff I love you more than words could ever express! I cannot wait for you to be back home!

Oct 30, 2007

Looking but not seeing. . .

That is how I feel today. . .like I am looking through this huge bright window but not seeing anything. I want to be a part, but I am in this room and cannot leave. . .while I watch others go on with their lives. Not sure why this is, but it is. . .so I must be content to trust and let God lead. . .or leave me as I am for now.

It is quite strange. Because I am not really sad being in this room. it is comfortable and I can watch part of it. . .I just cannot be a part of it. . .Just kind of strange the way things are going. . .

Oct 25, 2007

There is Peace. . .

I have this settling peace over me when I think of the future. There is so much that is unknown. . .but the faithfulness God has shown me has proven time and again that He is trustworthy.

Had a funny thing happen with my darlin husband this week and it made me realize how much I love him and what a great friend he is. I have been so content with our relationship, that I was taken back by his question. For it was nothing that had even crossed my mind in a long time. His love has been so complete and fulfilling that I have been captured by him. My mind seems consumed by what God is doing in our lives and the joy of watching God working in him and seeing what is coming. . .My only sadness is not being able to join him on some of his journeys. But that too has purpose in it.

If you have ever doubted the power of prayer and God working. . .you just need look at my wonderful husband. He used to be alot of bad things. . .God has transformed him into this man that has a heart that seeks after God constantly. . .wanting to know HIM more and do more than just exist.

He has taught me . . .

to laugh at myself.

to enjoy the moment and not wish it away.
to love God with a passion.

to speak up for myself.
to love people as they are.

to not be so insecure.

to find out who I am apart from being a mother.

I love him for all these reasons and so many more. He is a treasure God has given me and I plan on cherishing this treasure as long as I live. . .

I love you, Jeff!

Oct 20, 2007

50 Years!!

Today they celebrate 50 years of marriage!!!

My Mom & Dad,
Ed & Ginny
or Grammie & Grandad

Happy Anniversary!

We love you!


Oct 14, 2007

Elisha. . .what a man of God!

Reading the accounts of God's power flowing through Elisha. . .he was not afraid of telling it like it was. Willing to go and do whatever it was God told him to do. . .How tender he was with the woman who provided him food and a place to lay his head. . .I bet you the kids these days would not be so mean and hurtful if Elisha was around. They mocked him - calling him "Baldhead" and he cursed them and brought bears out and killed 42 of these kids!. . .He alone got to see Elijah taken to heaven in the fiery chariot. . .I love the account of that. He would not leave Elijah's side, for he knew what was coming. All of the prophets kept telling him Elijah was going to be gone and he would shush them, not wanting to ruin what what was coming.

We have encountered a modern day prophet recently. . .sceptical? don't be, I was at first, but God has opened my eyes. . . she is the real deal. There are more out there just like her. God has not stopped working in miraculous ways, we have just stopped believeing in ALL that He can do. We are the ones who need a good dose of un-americanized, full of the Holy Spirit, awakening to WHO God really is and that He is still speaking and working through people just as He did long ago.

As Elisha told the kings of old, stop worshipping idols and turn to the ONE true God. He is the one that can help you, He is the One that heals, provides, touches, comforts, and is alive and well. No we don't have statues that we bow down to every day, but we have replaced those statues with "Stuff", things we place ahead of God and that consume our minds and our time. We need to stop each day and bow down to the Almighty God, seek Him and not let church be our idol either.

Father, You are so amazing. Let us see more of You, know more of You, and do more for You!

Oct 13, 2007

He loves me. . .

He left 5 days ago. . .5 days ago, I went home to an empty house, but. . .it had been transformed while I was gone. . .everywhere I turned I saw neon pink notes plastered with "I LOVE YOU!". . ."I love you here". . . "I even love you here!" I am still finding them. Like something out of a Dr. Suess book. . .What a special treat and a joy to my heart. I left them up so I could see them every night when I come home. My husband is so precious!

The best one I found was on my Bible where I have my time with God each morning. Sitting here thinking about those notes, I am reminded of Someone Who never goes away. He has been with me through this and many other times. A request and He helps me sleep, for I do not like being alone. I am so thankful for a Father that is. . .

Looking forward to Monday when My love returns. God has given him a wonderful week seeing our children and grandchildren, spending time with some friends that are encouraging him in the Lord. He needed this week away. . .so glad he could go. I will be glad when he is back home. . .I miss him.

God, Thank you for the this precious treasure you have given me and for times like these when I can learn to appreciate him even more. You knew so much more than I did 27 years ago what I needed and what would make it the best it could be. So many scars, but actually they are traces of You growing me and creating me into the person You want me to be. . .

Oct 11, 2007

Thinking. . .

Being home alone gives you a little time to think.

God has been so faithful to me in my life.

I have a wonderful husband and best friend.

I miss him right now.

God is working on my children

He loves them more than I

My dearest friend needs God to release her grant her peace after this long journey

My grandchildren are the light of my life

Mother-in-Laws can be such a blessing

My daughter is a wonderful mother and wife

My son is back

a long awaited email brings tears when it finally arrives

A brother is a treasure

A true sister may not always be blood related

Being happy flips some people out

Music really does soothe the soul

God really does answer prayer and

He is intimately involved in our lives - we just sometimes don't notice

Sep 25, 2007

You are my Phenomenon. . .

Below are the lyrics to a song by Rita Springer. . .Phenomenon

I am not here just to see a phenomenon
I am not here for experiential bliss
I simply come to the feet of the God
I serve,The one that I love

I am not here for the sake of the people's praise
I have not come to see the thunder and rain
I simply come into courts of the King above
The one that I Praise

I want to find the way to his chambers
I want to be in the presence of the Lord
I am in need of his mercy and favor
Forever more

I am not here for the sake of a miracle
I am not here just to see the dead raised
Yes I believe in power supernatural
But that's not way I'm saved

I've had enough of this life of a Pharisee
I want to know this Jesus who's been loving me
I'm running into the temple just to see
The one that I love

I want to find the way to his chambers
I want to be in the presence of the Lord
I am in need of his mercy and favor
Forever more

I give my heart to the one they call Jesus
Seeking out first the very kingdom of God
You are the way and the truth I believe it
You are my phenomenon

You can move mountains whenever You want to
You can speak to the sea whenever it pleases You

Forgive me oh Lord if I've been a market place
Turn me upside down so I will seek Your face
And if Your presence comes into this place
So will the thunder and rain

Sep 18, 2007

Been reading of David. . .

What an awesome read. . .David was such a man of passion and love. But so human. . .

What must it have been like to dance with all your might down the main street to the Glory of God?

To know you were annointed King long before it was time?

To paitiently wait and honor the current king even in his failures?

To be so intertwined with the royal family knowing God was not pleased with the current state of things. . . yet vowing to this closest of friends to always honor the family?

To have so much but want more and have the power to take it?

To feel the sting of pain as Nathan proclaims your deepest secret to you. . .given by the One you were worshipping days before?

To live out your days loving the God Who carried you through the family curse. . .

God may we only even glimps a love for you that David had. A confidence in Your ability bring about what You will and to accept the punishment for what we have done. . .not blaming anyone but ourselves. But letting You set it right.

May we learn to dance in the street - not worrying what others may think, even family, and enjoy worshipping You as David did.

Give me a heart like that. . .

Sep 13, 2007

Time for a "soapbox" question. . .

I have been pondering a question deep in my heart and have vocalized it to one other. It disturbs me, yet, I have not found the answer. . .Here is my quandry. . ."Has the church become a hospital that does not welcome but only the select sick?". . . I know of several couples that are living together. They started attending church and wanted to join and were told "no". There is a friend that is gay. . .would I feel comfortable bringing him to my "Hospital"? no. . .I do not understand how we can effectively minister to those we meet that are not of the "acceptable" realm of sickness. . .Why is it that Jesus went into and traveled around with all manner of sinners, loving them and showing them mercy, meeting them where they were? Yet we cloister ourselves off and do not allow them to come along with us and let God do the healing. Isn't He the Physician? Instead, we basically say, go clean yourself up and then you can come and be a part of us." What is up with that?

It kind of reminds me of a nurse in the midst of a war zone, shewing the obviously sick away and only letting those who she thinks have minor injuries into see the Physician. Selective healing?? Is there a workable solution? Is the American Church too far gone to bring around?

hmmmmm. . . .any input?

Sep 11, 2007

September 11th

Six years have passed and still the sadness remains. Watching the memorial this morning reminded me of that Tuesday morning. . .the horror and devastation hit everyone. Tears still sting my eyes just watching the pain on the faces of the people gathered in New York today. I remember thinking we will never be the same after this. . .

Now six years later the world is back to normal for the most part, except for those families and friends of loved ones lost, still frozen in time. . .

I pray today they can begin to heal. . .my heart hurts for them. I also pray they feel God's comforting arms around them. Death is never easy, especially when combined with such horrific circumstances.

Sep 10, 2007

Abigail - a woman of faith

Reading along in I Samuel this morning I am reminded of a Godly woman named Abigail. One of my favorite Women of the Bible actually. She had a tough situation in her life and faced it head on with grace & dignity.

Married to a loser, she proceeded with her lot in life and made the best of it. Confronted with a bad situation, knowing David and his men would come back and kill her husband (which most women would have welcomed). She took it upon herself to take a peace offering to David and his men. Instead of saying, it was all my husband's fault, she took the blame and begged his forgiveness. She was a strong woman full of faith and very knowledgable in what was going on in her day. How many women would have cowered in fear of her husband's reprisal for what she had done?

I wonder if maybe Nabal's heart attack (or stroke) was brought on by the rage he felt for what she had done behind his back.

I know many women that have similar lots in life, two in particular I was reminded of this morning. That have that same grace and love of God, to accept who it is they married and live their lives according to the Proverbs 31 woman, instead of being an "Oprah 101" woman.

One is my Mother-in-law and the other is my best friend from High School. They both show the grace and love of God to their families daily. No they are not perfect, but, they don't whine about the decisions made in their lives, they just stand up and live for God and show their husband's what a Godly woman is like.

I look up to both of these women in ways they will never know. I pray that God will bring about the transformation in their families that He has done for my husband.

Sep 6, 2007

The Wonder of God's Timing. . .

It has always amazed me at how God's timing can be so unexpected to us. I love the quote I have heard many times:
"Has it ever occurred to you that nothing ever occurs to God?" by Mark Lowry

We have just received news that we are going to be grandparents for the 3rd time! Of course we are ecstatic at the news! They however were not quite expecting this news. Happy now, but not what they had planned. . .God's plan sometimes changes ours. . .I believe this baby will be a huge blessing in their lives.

God is never to fast or too slow. If we could only grasp that sometimes we would be alot more calm about what is ahead.

Sep 4, 2007


There are instances in my life that point to God's grace & faithfulness, others His mercy, and still others His unfailing love. . .

I have been walking around in a fog the last couple of years. Wanting to draw back to God and yet not being able to find my way. . .Blank. . .that was how I felt. . .if you have ever been in a dense fog you know that it is blank. . .nothing to see, feel or touch. A wall of white, where there once was color, vibrance and beauty.

This past summer we experienced so much of God and watched Him do amazing things in the lives of the young people working with us. This summer, and even now, is a monumental moment in my life. I am watching my husband being transformed into such a man of the WORD. His excitement is contagious.

After overcoming the guilt for lack of my own time in the WORD. . .God has challenged me to come along side my husband and join in to what was bubbling up in his heart and soul. God is preparing us for our next journey. When and where that is taking place, we do not know. But we trust and listen each day. Wanting to make sure we do not run ahead or fall behind. Ready to do whatever He asks. . .scary and exciting!
Our Young Adult Group is going through "Don't Waste Your Life" by John Piper. What an excellent study and we are only in chapter 3. . .
A quote that stuck out this week:

"Oh, that God would help me waken in you a single passion for a single great reality that would unleash you, and set you free from small dreams, and send you, for the glory of Christ, into all spheres of secular life and to all the peoples of the earth" by John Piper

Small dreams. . .isn't that what we have been taught all our lives?
To only dream small attainable dreams?
Why can't we 'Dream Big in God' and watch what He does?
When did we start settling for "church" life instead of
experiencing all God has set before us?

There is more out there. . .we just have to throw off those shackles that we have attached to our hearts, let go and experience what God can do when we fully surrender to HIM! When we stop listening to "you can't do that" and start listening to what God says we CAN do through HIM!

Read Psalm 138 - awesome!

Jun 24, 2007

Who says you can't go back?

While up here enjoying my new grand-daughter, I have had the opportunity to visit some of the places we have served on staff previously and catch up with some very dear friends. It has been so great!

Have you ever gone back somewhere and just felt the warmth of family envelope you as you entered? Or had the comforting thoughts of "I am back home"? Even though some things have changed, the welcoming hearts are there and so excited to hug you and chat for awhile. Funny thing is, that no biological family lives or attends at some of these places, but they are family just the same.

That is what happened to me in two very different places I have visited recently. One a small town, God fearing, community of believers that are doing life together. The way I think it was meant to be. The other, a large group of believers that somehow mesh together and make you feel it is a place you belong.

Our former Pastor is a God fearing man of God that preaches the Word every week. He is definitly not ashamed of it. I was reminded this morning during the Message God gave him to speak, that Compromise starts very small and grows. And if you are not careful, it will suck you in and destroy you as it did with Lot's wife.

God used that message this morning to remind me of what He did for us a year and a half ago. He rescued us from the compromise we were running headlong into. He refreshed my soul today in the worship and the preaching of His Word. Also a reminder that it was no-ones fault but ours. We like to try to place the blame every where else except where it belongs.

Thank You God for all the blessings You have given and most of all for the grace and mercy You show every day. You are faithful and loving. I love YOU!

So, YES I say you can go back, you need to go back sometimes and be reminded of who & Whose you are! And to see those you love.

Jun 5, 2007

My Precious Ava

She arrived in her own sweet time. I had the honor of watching her arrive into this world. Not an easy delivery on her or my daughter, I was reminded of the frailty of life.

Watching Keith attend to my daughter's needs and breathe soothing words over her during the 21 hours of labor. I was reminded of my precious husband who did the exact same thing the day our sweet little daughter arrived into this world. What a tear on your heartstrings as you watch your daughter give birth for the first time. She was so strong! Always asking how Ava's heartbeat was and how she was doing. She is a natural mother. Thinking of our children before ourselves. The strength I saw in her through 15 of the 21 hours I was present for, showed me she had become a woman of strength and courage. She is no longer my little girl, but a wife and mother. Ava is a very lucky girl. Keith is a very lucky man.

How proud I am of Keith, my son-in-law, for all he is and has become. He adores both of his girls and watching him with them brings joy to my heart. I know they will always be cherished and protected. He is truly a man that was ready to become a husband and father. Ava & Linsey are lucky to have him.

What I am anticipating now, is the look on my husband's face when he finally arrives to meet his new granddaughter! He will melt and be wrapped immediately! They will have a special relationship. . .

God, thank You for all you have blessed me with! Thank You for protecting my girls through this delivery. Thank You for allowing me to be a part of it.

May 11, 2007

When did work become more important than family?

I had to make a choice today. . .

At a job I love and have really enjoyed, I was made to feel that I should choose it over a very special family event upcoming in June.

Was it a hard choice? not at all

Was it life changing? somewhat

Are we made to feel that employers come before family? YES

Would I make the same choice again? YES

Did my husband support and encourage me in the choice I needed to make? YES

See, to me family is everything. If I am put in a place to choose. . . .and it between you and family & you are not family. . .so sorry. The world today has jumbled it's priorities. My husband is my best friend, my kids are so special to me, my grand-kids are a rare treasure. I could not even fathom missing the arrival of my precious granddaughter!

So as freaked out as I am. I know that God will take care of me. He will guide and provide. He is ever faithful. If it weren't for my God, I would probably be insane by now. Because left to my own devices, I would freak out & worry ALOT.

The worst part about today. . .my character was brought into question. I was told I was not dependable and that I was demanding. Well, maybe according to this person, but, that is not true. So, I stepped outside of my usual "don't ruffle any feathers" mode and stood up for myself.

So. . .here I stand at a new crossroad. . .I am very interested in seeing what is up around the bend. . .AND I get to now spend MORE time with my precious Ava when she makes her entry!!!


Mar 9, 2007

My New Love. . .

For my mid-life crisis I decided that I needed something or actually someone new. . .So on my 44th birthday I found the man I want to live the rest of my life with. . .He is tall, very good looking (even though he is an older man), graying in a Sean Connery sort of way. When he smiles the room gets brighter and it just makes you want to smile. . .I am so thankful I found him down on the boardwalk. . .Seems I lost track of the reasons I married him and have fought to stay with him all these years until last night! Last night I fell in love with my husband all over again!

A word of caution to those of you married for awhile or short time. . .don't take for granted the person you wake up to every morning! Learn to find something new about them and keep your view of them fresh. Take the time to walk on the boardwalk at night and rediscover the friendship that will keep you together. . .communication is very underrated in relationships these days.

I love you, Jeff!